Emerging Fuels Pipelines


Carbon capture and storage is a safe, proven way to create and sustain Louisiana jobs and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Carbon Capture and Storage, or CCS, is a process that will allow Louisiana’s industries that emit carbon dioxide (CO2) to both maintain their business plans and reduce CO2 emissions by using special equipment to remove the CO2 from their facilities’ exhaust before it reaches the air. Once captured, the CO2 can be transported by pipeline to an underground storage area for safe and permanent storage. The same type of solid layers of rock that have kept oil and natural gas locked underground for millions of years can safely store CO2.

Capturing CO2 commonly involves trapping a facility’s exhaust, filtering the exhaust and separating the CO2 from the other gases created from the manufacturing process. Once it is separated, the CO2 can be treated, compressed and placed into a pipeline for transport.

According to the Global CCS Institute’s 2022 Global Status of CCS Report, as of September 2022, there were 30 carbon capture plants in operation around the world with a capacity to capture nearly 43 million tons of CO2 per year, with another 164 under construction with a capacity to capture nearly another 200 million tons of CO2 per year.

CO2 Fact Sheets

CO2 Pipelines - Part of our Clean Energy Future

CO2 Underground Storage Safety

CO2 Pipeline Safety

CO2 Pipeline Regulation

If you have any questions, please contact our team directly using the link below or calling our project representative.

Michael Smith, Public & Stakeholder Engagement Lead

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